Hi everyone, thanks for visiting my site and on this page is my new enclosures. I started building these last year and decided to continue this year. Unfortunately, the cost of the material was a bit higher and I have roughly $180 in materials per enclosure. I have 10 in black currently available. They will come complete ready to use. They have LED light. plexi lockand key, Hygrometer/temp gage and for a limited time heat 11X16 flexwatt type mat with temp controller built in. Price is $230 for each enclosure. Just added some pictures of the updated front with Hygrometer.
Currently working on 2 five footers that are 60X24X18 and are 3/4 thick with the same options and will be priced at $325ea. 3 sheets of 3/4 PVC cost me $110 per sheet =$330. So dont beat me up over the price.
If you are in the market for baby boas I still have a handful available in the 2024 Boa Litter link here on the page. Hypo het Sterling, Anery Sterling, Ghost Sterling and normal double hets for sterling and anery.
Currently working on 2 five footers that are 60X24X18 and are 3/4 thick with the same options and will be priced at $325ea. 3 sheets of 3/4 PVC cost me $110 per sheet =$330. So dont beat me up over the price.
If you are in the market for baby boas I still have a handful available in the 2024 Boa Litter link here on the page. Hypo het Sterling, Anery Sterling, Ghost Sterling and normal double hets for sterling and anery.